不歧视 & 残疾的声明

网赌正规真人实体在线平台遵守州和联邦法律的精神和条文, 与公民权利有关的法规和行政命令,第九条,平等机会 以及平权法案. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, 宗教信仰、国籍或种族、父母状况或是否有子女、婚姻状况 地位,性(性别),性取向,性别认同或表达,年龄,基因 信息,光荣退伍老兵或军人身份,或任何存在 残疾:感觉、精神或身体上的残疾,或使用受过训练的狗作向导或提供服务 动物(法律允许)由残疾人,或任何其他禁止的基础 in its educational programs or employment. 问题 or complaints may be referred to the Vice President for Human Resources & Legal Affairs and 网赌正规真人实体在线平台’s 第九条/EEO Coordinator 509-542-4740(人力资源总线). Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to participate in all college sponsored 活动和节目. If you have a disability, and require 如需住宿,请致电509-542-4412联系网赌正规真人实体在线平台残疾人支持服务 or the Washington Relay Service at 711 or 1-800-833-6384. 本通告已备妥 应要求在替代媒体中.

第九条保护学生免受基于“实际或潜力”的歧视 父母,家庭或婚姻状况"或基于学生的怀孕,分娩, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery therefrom.” 20 U.S.C. §1681 节. (2006); 34 C.F.R. §106.40).


  • 为怀孕和育儿(包括哺乳期)的学生提供平等的入学机会.
  • 为怀孕和育儿的学生提供平等的课外活动机会.
  • 因怀孕或分娩而请假,只要医生认为有医学原因 必要的.  After which time, the student must be reinstated to the status held when 休假开始了.
  • Ensure an individual professor’s attendance policy does not conflict with 第九条 需求.
  • Treat disabilities related to pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or 以与任何其他暂时残疾相同的方式和相同的政策恢复 或者身体状况.

学院不能因怀孕而终止奖学金,请告知怀孕的学生 他们应该退学或转学,或者将符合条件的怀孕学生排除在外 opportunities to “work in the field,” through internships, career rotations, 等.

过去,人们对“为人父母”的称呼似乎有些困惑 it means it applies to the obligations of parenthood, rather than the physical or physiological aspect of being pregnant.  The leave is associated with the medical necessity for the leave based on the pregnancy.  This does not mean children are allowed 在课堂上,或者学生(父母)因照顾孩子而请假请假, bonding or other non-pregnancy related leave.  Your attendance policies are otherwise 不受影响,一如既往,你可以酌情为学生的缺课找借口 with child-related issues as you deem appropriate. 

如果您想咨询或澄清,请发电子邮件给副总裁 of Human Resources and Legal Affairs at titleix@artgutowski.com

1. Does a school have to excuse a student’s absences due to pregnancy or child birth?

Yes, 第九条 requires a school to excuse a student’s absence(s) due to pregnancy or related 条件s; including recovery from childbirth, for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absence medically 必要的. When they return, they must be reinstated 他们在休假开始时的身份,这应该包括给他们 opportunity to make up any missed work. The professor may offer the student alternatives 弥补遗漏的作业,例如允许学生把未完成的作业留到以后 课程完成.

学院或大学可以要求怀孕的学生提供医生的证明 只有在同样的要求下才能继续参加教育项目或活动 是否适用于其他有生理或心理障碍的学生 医生的护理. 如果是教授 wishes to 请求 a doctor’s certification of fitness 或学生请假的理由,残疾主任卢卡斯·德卢卡说 支持服务(DSS)或DSS的其他成员可以通过评估是否 the same is 请求ed of other students given their disabilities. 教员或职员 委员亦可转介怀孕学生到发展支援计划寻求其他协助,例如资源 和信息. DSS can be reached by email at dss@columbiabasin.Edu或致电 509-542-4412 (ext. 2252).

2. 如果是教授 adjusts grades based on class attendance, can they lower a grade because of the classes a student misses due to pregnancy?

No. Students cannot be penalized for pregnancy or related 条件s. 如果是教授 根据出勤率为学生提供特定的“积分”或其他优势; 学生必须有机会从错过的课程中挣回学分 due to pregnancy, so that the student can be reinstated to the status held before 学生告辞了。.

3. Does the institution/school have to let students make up the work missed while 缺席?

Yes, federal law requires professors to allow students to make up the work missed 因怀孕或相关情况(包括产后恢复期)外出期间. 例如,如果医生的证明允许学生几个星期不上课,因为 对于分娩前的“卧床休息”,教授必须为学生提供适当的条件 作业和信息,以弥补缺勤时需要完成的工作. 补考的作业和考试必须与错过的相当,但是 不必完全相同. Depending on the nature of the academic instruction or program (e.g., clinical rotations), this may not be feasible and other forms of modifications 可能需要做什么.

4. 教授是否可以有旷课/补课政策,而不考虑任何医疗问题 条件?

No. While a professor may have a strict attendance policy, the college or university is bound by federal civil rights law. 第九条 requires the college or university 确保所有教职员工遵守法律,不歧视 怀孕及育儿学生.

5. The student wants to take a quarter off. Can the student keep their status, scholarships, 等.?

Not necessarily – it depends on the leave policy at the college. 如果他们想要 比医生说的医学上需要的时间多,学生就需要休息 consult the college’s non-medical leave policy. Cheryl Holden’s Office will work through 任何因休假而导致的经济援助问题,可能导致退学或离职 四分之一或更多.

Resources on 第九条 and Pregnant or 教育学生
Below are some links that you may review for further information:

-Office of Civil Rights Know Your Rights:http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/dcl-know-rights-201306-title-ix.html (For Pregnant and 教育学生)

-Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant & 家长学生手册: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/pregnancy.pdf


第九条 protects individuals who are nursing from being forced to choose between 学校和母乳喂养. Employers are required to provide a place other than a bathroom that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public. 我们在帕斯科和里奇兰为学生和员工指定了使用空间 校园. More information on 网赌正规真人实体在线平台’s lactation rooms can be found at: http://fn.artgutowski.com/i-am/current-hawk/student-resources/lactation-rooms/index.html.

鼓励残疾人士参加所有学院主办的活动 活动和节目. If you have a disability, and require an accommodation, please 请致电509-542-4412或华盛顿接力联系网赌正规真人实体在线平台残疾人支持服务 Service at 711 or 1-800-833-6384. 本通告已备妥 in alternative media by 请求.

El Colegio Columbia Basin cumple con el espíritu y la letra de las leyes estatales 联邦政府,监管机构,órdenes行政通讯员,政府官员, Título IX, oportunidad de igualdad y acción afirmativa. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台没有歧视 a la raza, color, credo, religión, origen étnico o nacional, situación de tutela o familia con niños, estado civil, sexo (gsamunero), orientación sexual, identity o expresión 德·格萨内罗,edad, características格萨内斯,退伍军人达多·德·巴哈荣誉 没有伤残,没有残疾感觉上的,精神上的,física上的,也没有残疾 联合国残疾人服务处guía(残疾人服务处) o alguna otra base prohibida en sus programas educativos o laborales. 拉斯维加斯preguntas 他说:“我认为这是人权和法律事务副主席的职责 y al coordinador del Título IX de 网赌正规真人实体在线平台, Corey Osborn, al (509) 542-5548.

在节目或活动中,这些人物形象会使参与者丧失能力 Patrocinados por el collegio. Si usted tiene una discapacidad y necesita una adaptación 特别请注意póngase en 联系 con los Servicios de Apoyo de 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 al (509) 542-4412 o con los Servicios de Relay de Washington al 711 o al 1-800-833-6384. 埃斯特 aviso está disponible en medios alternativos si lo solicita.



不歧视 & 骚扰政策及程序



Students walking around 网赌正规真人实体在线平台's Pasco 校园